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Planned Giving
& Trust Services

Helping You to Create a Lasting Legacy

Are You Thinking About Your Plan?

Throughout each generation, there have been individuals who were skilled at raising monuments in honour of notable people, places and events. Yet through the passage of time, memories fade and monuments corrode. If not carefully and intentionally preserved, such tributes will eventually become forgotten. Rather than building memorials that will only tarnish in time, consider crafting a legacy that will have a lasting impact, an eternal impact.

Your Will is the last statement you will ever make, so you want to make it a meaningful one. Remember that the inheritance you leave is considerably more than the monetary assets of your estate

What Is Planned Giving
& Trust Services?

The Planned Giving & Trust Services department of the Ontario Conference assists all church members in each age and stage of their life to assist them in finding ways to balance their present financial needs with their future needs, while helping church members in providing for continued support of the Lord's work. Contact our office to request an estate planning package today.

Services provided by Planned Giving and Trust Services include:
  • Speaking with church members in their homes or on the phone to help them in completion of their estate planning documents to ensure that their wishes are met
  • Assisting church members with their wills, powers of attorney and advanced health care directives in a confidential manner; this department does not offer legal advice but can refer a church member to a qualified estate planning attorney for that advice
  • Maintaining the highest available level of accreditation of Seventh-day Adventists and professional certifications of all trust officers can help provide church members with peace of mind in the way their affairs will be handled
  • Providing members with a balanced approach to taking care of the needs of their family, as well as building God's kingdom
  • Willing to discuss with members their desire to leave a planned gift for the church
  • Presenting sermons, seminars, workshops and Q&A sessions with presentations tailored to the interests and needs of church members
  • Attending principal Conference events, with displays, handouts and resources that convey the many benefits members can obtain through planned
"I will cause your name to be remembered in all generations; therefore nations will praise you forever and ever" ~ Psalm 45:17
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Have a question for us?

If you have any questions or would like to inquire about services we provide, please feel free to give us a call or fill out the contact form, and we would be glad to assist you.