Thursday, September 21, 2023
Workers Meeting: Gathering for Inspiration and Ministry
From September 17 to 19, the Ontario Conference of Seventh-day Adventists continued its annual tradition by hosting the “Workers' Meeting”. This three-day, Sunday to Tuesday, event held at the Ajax Convention Centre gathered pastors, Bible Instructors and teachers from across the region. It served as a time of training, fellowship, and spiritual rejuvenation for those dedicated to spreading God's message. Pastor Jakov Bibulović, president of the Ontario Conference, set the tone by sharing his expectation that "God will bless us through the presentations and use them to untie us and re-ignite passion in our hearts for ministry and mission."
The Workers' Meeting commenced with a celebratory dinner on Sunday night. There were many hugs and handshakes as new connections were made, and individuals from distant districts were able to reconnect with those not seen for some time. Formalities followed, marked by applause and enthusiasm as Ministerial Secretary Frankie Lazarus introduced newly hired pastors, pastors newly married since last meeting, and those that recently had children. With equal fanfare, Education Director Reynold Hazelwood welcomed new teachers. Since the last Workers' Meeting, more than thirty-eight new workers joined the Conference, a testament to the growth and vitality of the church's mission.
September 18 was devoted to workshops on coaching and mentorship led by Pastor Alex Schussler from the Florida Conference. He defined coaching as a means to help individuals maximize their potential, while mentorship was guidance to help a person through life's experiences. The subsequent Q&A session saw active participation as people sought to deepen their understanding.
Dr. Kevin Kiers, a professor from the School of Education at Burman University, shared insights and knowledge about the important ministry of teachers in the Conference. He reminded the participants of the awesome tasks of a teacher in the role of evangelism; they are the frontline in the battle of winning the souls of our children. He encouraged pastors and teachers to work together to model Jesus and, as they work, unite in ministry toward the mission of fulfilling the Great Commission.
There were also breakout sessions for teachers and pastors to allow for in-depth discussions on various administrative/ministry issues related to each group's work. In addition to the Treasury report, other highlighted items included Pastor Emile Maxi, Executive Secretary, providing a state of the Conference report. The president shared the Conference vision, quinquennial church growth goal, and four foundational building blocks and emphasized the need for more holistic small groups (loving, relationships and empowering leadership) to prevent losing members through the "back door". Pastor Edwards, VP for Evangelism and Pastor Ly, Evangelism/Church Planting and Revitalisation director, shared the direction for strategic church growth. Also, Pastor Edwards had a moving presentation encouraging sensitivity training for all those wishing to minister to the indigenous.
As with all Workers' Meetings, inclusivity was a priority. A special session for pastoral spouses, led by Sister Bibulović and Pastor Lazarus, provided practical and supportive information to assist these dedicated partners in their ministry. Furthermore, Dr. Hyveth Williams presented to spouses a powerful message, “You Give Them Something to Eat” based on Matthew 14:13-21. Additionally, a children's program organized by Patricia Ferreira Lopez, the new director of Women's and Children's Ministries, ensured that every child felt valued and cared for. There was even a special session of prayer by all workers to pray for our children, led by Edith Habaradas-Missah, Prayer Ministries director.
On the final day, Dr. Hyveth Williams, director of Homiletics at Andrews University and pastor of a new church plant in South Bend, Indiana, addressed both pastors and teachers with an inspiring message titled, “This Mission is Possible." Her words encouraged all to embrace their mission with renewed vigour.
The closing charge was delivered by President Bibulović, who drew from the story of Moses and the burning bush in Exodus 3:2-4. He asked all present a thought-provoking question, "When God calls us as workers, how will we respond?" He encouraged workers to spend time with God and allow Him to shape their lives according to His will, as He did with Moses. Only by doing so, Bibulović preached, can one be receptive to God's will and call and be ready to respond with the resounding words of Isaiah, "Here am I, O Lord, send me, use me!"
As the workers of the Ontario Conference concluded their meeting, they left with a refreshed sense of unity, equipped and inspired to serve their communities and share the boundless love of Christ throughout the province. The Workers' Meeting had once again fulfilled its mission to uplift and empower those dedicated to spreading the Gospel.
Pastor Shawn Ellis
Director of Communications and Media
As the end of September approaches, we reach the end of the final transfers for the month. More are scheduled for October. Continued to stay tuned to the OCN as we keep you up to date with the latest transfers. In the meantime, keep the pastors in prayer as they start new ministry and the Conference as it continues to plan and lead according to the Spirit so that lives will continue to be transformed in Ontario for Jesus.
Pastor Sil Lindo has recently been installed at Mount Gilead as lead pastor.
Pastor Duncan is the new lead pastor at Hamilton East
Seventh-day Adventist Church.
Pastor Selburn Fray has now been installed at Toronto East Seventh-day Adventist Church.
I would like to introduce the new team from the Ministerial Secretarial Department of the Ontario Conference of the Seventh-day Adventist Church: Pastor Frankie Lazarus, Director; Pastor Raul Gonzales, Associate; and Ms. Gillian Pitt, Department Assistant.
A recurring concern for pastors and their families is, "Where can we turn for spiritual help or counsel after dedicating ourselves to ministering to others?" The Ministerial Secretary Department aims to be that source of assistance, serving as a friend and colleague to pastors, a mentor to interns, an encourager to pastoral families, and a liaison with conference leadership for pastoral concerns. Our role is to advocate for pastoral needs while fostering a harmonious relationship between the field and the conference office.
Our office has an atmosphere for nurturing, loving, caring, and confidential counselling for pastoral families. We support pastoral interns in developing effective soul-winning methods tailored to their talents and situations and emphasize making disciples of every member, whether new or seasoned. We also assist pastors in equipping elders and deacons for the pastoral care of the local congregation and church administration. Collaboratively, we promote the personal growth of pastors in all aspects of life by working closely with conference departments. We also seek to tap into the pastoral team's diverse skill sets to enhance every pastor's proficiency in the conference.
Our efforts even extend to participating in the NextGen project by the North American Division to increase the recruitment of new pastor evangelists. We encourage pastoral spouses to recognize and utilize their spiritual gifts in serving the local church, providing opportunities for them to connect and support each other in their roles alongside their partners in life and ministry.
The well-being of pastors and their families is paramount in our minds. We advocate for solutions to pastors' needs, equitable funding, and the affirmation of the high calling of pastoral ministry among laity and leadership. We are invested in the spiritual growth of pastors as they labour in the ministry, offering our prayers, affirming their leadership, and enhancing their effectiveness and influence.
As a team, this is our commitment to the pastors in Ontario. Please keep us in prayer as we partner with your pastor to nurture and grow our conference.
Frankie Lazarus
Ministerial Association Secretary and
Director of Ministerial Department
Baptism at Bancroft:
God Held Back the Storm
On August 9, storm clouds gathered ominously overhead as if to confirm the forecasted thunderstorm for the day. Soon, raindrops began to patter against windows. Normally, this would be a signal to stay indoors. However, on this day, three baptisms were scheduled at Bancroft Adventist Group at Lake L’Amble (translated as Lake Friendly).
Brothers LeLiever, Martin, and Sister Spence had been engaged for months in Bible studies with Sister Phyllis Vallieres and Jane Donato from the Brancroft Seventh-day Adventist Group. Each one heard the call of Jesus and decided to accept Jesus as their Lord and Savior. Yet, on the day of their baptism, they glanced at the darkening sky and heard the rumble of approaching thunder. Concern swept over them and the congregation.
Undeterred by the impending storm, the congregation, filled with hope and anticipation, made their way to the lakeside, even as raindrops splattered on their journey. While there was concern that a storm would make Lake L’Amble a less friendly place for baptism, the congregation entered into a season of prayer. "Lord," they implored, "the weather is in Your hands, and this baptism is Yours. It's Your work, and these are Your people. We earnestly ask and believe that You will keep the rain at bay for this baptism."
As they reached the chosen spot, something remarkable happened. The rain ceased abruptly; slivers of light shone through, and not a single drop fell in the vicinity of the lake throughout the entire hour of the baptism.
The congregation rejoiced. Their prayers had been answered, and it was clear to all who witnessed it that this baptism was nothing short of a divine miracle.
Following the baptism, as everyone stood by the serene waters, the congregation rejoiced in their hearts. The Lord’s divine hand held back the storm so that three precious souls could be added to the family of God
Phyllis Vallieres
Communications Secretary,
Bancroft Adventist Group
Celebrate Back to School with OCN!
It's that time of year again! Right across Ontario, students are heading back to school and Adventists are supporting our youth.
This month, the OCN is dedicating a section to showcase the Back to School events taking place throughout Ontario's Adventist community. Whether it's a heartwarming ceremony at your church, an inspiring event at your school, your favorite class photo or sharing an encouraging scripture to youth, we want to hear about it! Send them all to: OCN@adventistontario.org.
James 1:5 says: "If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask God, who gives generously to all without reproach, and it will be given him." These words remind us that true academic success begins with God. So, as we pray for our students return to school, let us also take a moment to share in this exciting season.
Pastor Shawn Ellis
Director of Communications and Media |
Shiloh Back to School Prayer Fest
At Shiloh SDA Church, our Mission is “From Pieces to Peace”. Our Vision is “Connecting People to Our God, Our Church, Our Community and Our World”. Our worship to God moves us to support People.
On Sept 2-3, 2023, Shiloh held its annual Back to School Prayer Fest for students, teachers, support staff and parents. In collaboration with Youth Ministries, backpacks and school supplies were also distributed.
Under the theme "Pray, Aim High and Stay Focused," they began Friday night’s conversation with Dr. Paul A. Scavella (Nassau, Bahamas), who hosted the program along with Pastor Andre Anderson and our Prayer Ministries leader, Rhonda Wilson. The focus was on being disciples through our connection with God and how we can extend our reach in the community and the world.
On Sabbath, Pastor Anderson delivered an effective message on "Community Impact," which was followed by an interactive session where inspirational and practical tools on how to succeed in the 2023-2024 school year were shared with our youths, teachers and parents.
Students were encouraged to PRAY like Daniel and to stand for what they believe in, even in the face of adversity. Have non-negotiables, share their beliefs, and commit to making Jesus famous at their schools and in their communities.
AIM HIGH - Every student must strive to excel and be your best YOU. Remember Philippians 4:13 – “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me”. Believe in yourself. Don’t be afraid to ask and answer questions. Don’t allow yourself to be treated as ordinary because you are EXTRAORDINARY.
STAY FOCUSED - To be successful in life (at school, work, home and church), you must set SMART GOALS. Students were told to be intentional and committed to every decision they made. Prioritize - make a daily schedule of tasks and time and stick to it. Create a healthy balance in their lives, including spiritual, academic and social.
Shiloh will continue to “PRAY ON” as a church family because success on each one’s journey can only be achieved as we surrender our hopes and dreams to Christ.
Rhonda Wilson
Prayer Ministries Leader
Shiloh Adventist Church |
Mentorship, Motivation and Multiply Adventist Christian Fellowship Institute
Ottawa, known as the centre of Canadian politics, took on a new role in July as the host city for the annual Adventist Christian Fellowship Institute (ACFi). This leadership training event is aimed at students, chaplains, and leaders affiliated with the ACF chapters from public universities right across North America. This year's gathering took place at the University of Ottawa, focusing on the theme, "The Good Life: Heaven Now," exploring how God's kingdom and the message of salvation can transform the lives of students.
Each day at ACFi started bright and early at 7:30 a.m. with invigorating morning exercises, followed by communal breakfasts at the university's cafeteria. The attendees then immersed themselves in group Bible studies that set the spiritual tone for the day ahead.
The institute featured a range of workshops covering mission, mentorship, media, and personal campus ministry. These were followed in the afternoon by diverse outreach efforts to show the love of Jesus to the community. They ranged from distributing gift bags to strangers to preparing meals for the homeless.
Some speaker highlights included Kevin Wilson, affectionately known as the “Chai Guy”. He discussed topics such as overcoming fear, where he shared the importance of sharing faith in a world filled with anxiety. Dr. Angeline David Brauer, Health Ministries director for the North American Division, addressed the pressing issue of mental wellness among university students and shared coping strategies.
One of ACFi’s core focuses was enhancing and growing personal and campus ministry. Building a strong, loving community was emphasized, and mirroring Christ’s love through authentic fellowship and friendships was key to attracting students regardless of their prior experiences with faith. Youth were also encouraged to take risks and innovate in their ministry efforts to find new ways of reaching the community for Jesus.
The diverse range of ideas shared from ACF chapters across North America.
In summary, ACFi in Ottawa was a transformative experience that equipped attendees with insights to improve their local ACF chapters. It also brought together a vibrant community of young people passionate about their faith. The support for this ministry inspires commitment, reinforcing the belief that there is a substantial need for outreach on public campuses. As the conference closed and attendees returned to their respective universities, they did so armed with knowledge that helped to ignite their excitement and create new outreach initiatives for the future. These skills and their determination to serve God and offer hope to students will undoubtedly re-invigorate ACF chapters across North America.
Valentina Kolundzic
Co-president for ACF York
at York University
Attention Communication Leaders!
The Ontario Conference Communication and Media team wants to collaborate with you to represent your local church and ensure you receive the latest updates from the Conference. If you are nominated as the communication leader for your church, please send your name and number to ocn@adventistontario.org.
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What's Happening Around the Conference
If you or anyone you know is neurodivergent (including Autism, ADHD, or other learning disabilities). If you would like to find ways to connect with church, the New Life Neurodiversity team would like to invite you to come visit us at one of our monthly meet-ups. You and a friend can come and meet us in our small, quiet conference room, where we will have snacks and simple activities, and you can talk with people who know neurodiversity. You can also bring something you want to show or talk about. If you would like to come or would like more information, please RSVP to nd@newlifeadventistchurch.com so we can answer any questions and be ready to help. Our goal is to empower and engage neurodivergent individuals to be integrated within the Christ-centred community of New Life. |
Supported by Brockville Seventh-day Adventist Church
We are inviting all former members and friends of Shiloh SDA Church. Please join us on September 30, 2023, as we celebrate our church’s 30th Anniversary. Let’s praise God’s goodness for the past 30 years and how He has kept and led us.
Kingsway College is searching for a Choir Accompanist with a heart for combined youth and music ministry. Applicants must be able to confidently play in a variety of genres, have good sight-reading skills, and be available for daily rehearsals and weekend performances. The ability to relate well with teenagers is a valuable asset. Samples of repertoire will be sent to those expressing interest in this position. Please contact Sharon Janes Foreman, Kingsway College Choir Director, at sharonforeman@kingsway.college for more information or to request an interview.
Ontario Conference
of the Seventh-day Adventist Church
The Mission
To Reach Ontario and the world
with the distinctive, Christ-centered,
Seventh-day Adventist message
of hope and wholenessThe Vision
Connecting like Jesus