Statement from
Ontario Conference Administration
At 2 PM today, the Ontario Conference Administration convened a special Zoom meeting with all conference pastors and bible instructors to discuss a YouTube video featuring a sermon delivered by a conference pastor.
President Jakov Bibulović chaired the meeting, which included Treasurer Virene Meikle, Executive Secretary Emile Maxi, and Ministerial Secretary Frankie Lazarus.
In the video, the pastor plagiarized a sermon from a pastor from another denomination and featured doctrine inconsistent with the beliefs of the Seventh-day Adventist Church. The president indicated that the pastor has been placed on leave to allow time for reflection. He emphasized that the conference's priority is to focus on the well-being of the pastor, his family, and the local church. Pastor Lazarus assured that ongoing support and dialogue are being extended to the pastor and his family.
A pastor will be assigned to oversee the local church during this challenging time to ensure continued spiritual guidance and support. Furthermore, the president and the executive and ministerial secretaries will be at the church this Sabbath to offer support and address any concerns.
In closing remarks, President Bibulović reminded all pastors of the importance of preparing and preaching expository sermons in line with Seventh-day Adventist doctrine. He quoted from 2 Timothy, chapter 4, "Preach the word; be prepared in season and out of season; correct, rebuke, and encourage—with great patience and careful instruction." He urged pastors to dedicate time to meticulously research their sermons so they may spiritually nourish their members.
Pastors Maxi and Lazarus echoed this sentiment, emphasizing that conference leadership is committed to supporting each pastor. Treasurer Meikle also stressed the influential role pastors play for the youth, cautioning that any missteps in conduct, whether in person or online, can hinder the spiritual growth of the next generation.
President Jakov Bibulović of the Ontario Conference released this statement: "I want all members to know that the Ontario Conference expects its leaders to adhere to the beliefs and doctrines of the Seventh-day Adventist Church and that we must take immediate action when this is not observed. That being said, it is important to pray for the pastor, his family, and the church for the healing of the Holy Spirit as they go through this difficult time.
In this moment of challenge, let us remember that it can also be a time of immense opportunity. Now is the time to boldly proclaim the Gospel and reach Ontario and the world with the distinctive, Christ-centered, Seventh-day Adventist message of hope and wholeness.
Your prayers and God's faithfulness to His Church are vital to our continued strength and resilience. We deeply value your support during this time."
Pastor Shawn Ellis
Director, Communication and Media
International Women's Day
Time to Rise Above Inadequacy
March 8 is International Women's Day, a global celebration honouring women's achievements and contributions throughout history.
It is interesting to note that the only part of God's creation declared to be "not good" concerns Adam's solitary state. God stated that it was not good for man to be alone (Genesis 2:18). So he created Adam's 'help meet,' which means a suitable helper to navigate life alongside him. And she was called 'woman' (Genesis 2:22).
Can you imagine all of heaven smiling when she opened her eyes for the first time?
But there was someone else watching as well, someone who saw her loveliness and was filled with rage and jealousy. Satan decided to create a target with Eve's name on it.
Sadly, Eve fell to Satan's temptation. Why? Doubt. She doubted God's word and God's plan for her life. Eve was convinced that God was withholding something from her.
The disease of doubt has plagued women ever since. From career pursuits to personal relationships, women often find themselves questioning their abilities and self-worth. Society's expectations and social media's unrealistic standards, along with the relentless pressure to perform, leave girls and women feeling desperately inadequate and foster a mindset that perpetuates the belief that they are never enough.
These feelings of low self-worth begin at younger ages with every passing year. Authors Katty Kay and Claire Shipman wrote The Confidence Code for Girls. In this book, they surveyed 1300 girls between the ages of 8 and 18 and their parents. They found that confidence levels are evenly matched for boys and girls until 12, but between the ages of 8 and 14, girls' confidence levels nose-dive by 30 percent!
This is why Ontario Conference initiatives like 'SALT SISTERS' are so crucial and relevant for changing the narrative for our girls and women.
This year on International Women's Day, we encourage you to speak value into the lives of the women and girls in your world. (1 Thessalonians 5:11) Speak hope, truth, strength, courage, and victory in the name of Jesus! Remind them who they are and WHOSE they are! Let us collectively break down the barriers that perpetuate the feelings of inadequacy.
Remember, sisters, that you are fearfully and wonderfully made! You were divinely designed with a purpose, every detail crafted with intention and love. God's love for you is not contingent on perfection. It is through our imperfections that His grace shines the brightest.
Let God's immeasurable love for you be the foundation of your worth. May you walk confidently, knowing that, in His eyes, you are more than enough!
Patricia Ferreira Lopez
Women's Ministries Director
International Women's Day of Prayer Ignites London Adventist Church
On March 5, the London Seventh-day Adventist Church hosted the "International Women's Day of Prayer," which saw attendees gather to delve into the transformative power of prayer. Spearheaded by the Women's Ministry department, the event drew from a resource packet titled "Ignite Your Prayer Life," authored by Dr. Linda Mei Koh, retired director of the General Conference Children's Ministries.
The program started with Simone Shepherd, the Prayer Ministry Leader, taking the stage to deliver a message on igniting one's prayer life. She stressed the importance of perseverance in prayer and the authenticity of expressing one's emotions to God.
During the Sabbath worship service, Sarah Nyende, a Family Ministries leader, preached a message prompting the congregation to reflect on the role of prayer amidst life's busyness and the significance of communal prayer within families. Nyende emphasized how prayer serves as a catalyst for change, hope, forgiveness, and unity personally and within the church community.
In the afternoon, Debbie Hagley presented the "Five Spiritual Benefits of Prayer." Through engaging small group discussions, attendees examined the challenges of deepening their connection with God through prayer. Hagley highlighted how prayer draws individuals closer to God, empowers them to resist temptation, enhances mental well-being, fosters gratitude, and nurtures a Christlike character.
Wrapping up the event, Lo Richards, the Women's Ministries leader, thanked her team for orchestrating the impactful program. Richards reinforced the significance of prayer in fostering spiritual growth and community cohesion.
The International Women's Day of Prayer at the London Seventh-day Adventist Church served as a powerful reminder of prayer's transformative potential in individuals' lives and the wider community. Through insightful messages and communal reflection, the congregation was inspired to ignite their prayer lives and deepen their spiritual journeys.
Jerome Dinampo
Communications Department
London Seventh-day Adventist Church
Source: https://women.adventist.org/international-women-s-day-of-p
Clergy and Leaders Unite
to Bring Hope to Community
In response to the recent tragedy in the Jane and Driftwood area, clergy, police, and community leaders organized a prayer walk on February 28.
Despite the chilly weather, the spirits of the 75 attendees remained high as they walked the community, stopping to talk and pray with members of the community. Chief of Toronto Police Services (TPS) Myron Demkiw, Solicitor-General of Ontario Michael Kerzner, Councillor Anthony Perruza, MP Tony Rakocevic, Superintendent Andrew Singh of 31 Division along with his officers, TPS chaplains, and local faith leaders were all active participants in the event.
Adventists were represented by Pastor Eustace Williams and his associate, Pastor Ha Rim Ji, from Immanuel Seventh-day Adventist Church, and Pastor Ariel Ganob of the Filipino-Canadian Seventh-day Adventist Church.
Pastor King, director of Compassion Ministries, who attended the walk along with his wife, shared, “Beverly and I felt privileged to be part of this joint community effort where people were pleased and surprised to see pastors and governmental leaders walking with police and positively engaging the community in conversation and prayer.
Before commencing the walk, Chief Demkiw presented a gift of 56 Bibles to the local Boys and Girls Club at Jane and Finch to encourage the youth to study the word of God.
On April 11, 2024, a city-wide prayer walk is scheduled to occur in every division of the Greater Toronto Area. Let us join together in prayer to seek the outpouring of the Holy Spirit upon the city of Toronto.
Pastor Andrew King
Director of Compassion Ministries
Reflections on Black History Month
Under the leadership of Deacon Orrell Watson, the Ajax Adventist Community Church celebrated a multi-week Black History Month event with the theme “Together We Rise.”
In Week 1, Pastor Hurlock led off with a message encouraging the congregation to rise above the denial of rights and systematic racism and strive for excellence by developing better relationships with each other and with Christ.
In week #2, Sister Shanee Watson focused on resilience. She shared the spiritual key to overcoming trauma by opening our hearts to the Holy Spirit.
Week #3, Elder Adrelle Lewis presented a powerful sermon on “Code Switching,” or changing who you are to fit in with a different culture. He shared several instances from his own experiences growing up in Canada. Elder Adrelle reminded the congregation that their progress through times of historic and present systemic racism is only through the grace of Christ. He shared that we need to unify as a people, as we are stronger and more confident when we are united in faith.
In Week 4, Pastor Joseph Amankwah closed the month with a message of all races uniting in Jesus, using the theme of the Black Anthem, “Life, every voice.”
During the final Sabbath, officials from the Town of Ajax, including Shaun Collier, Mayor; Regional Councillor Marilyn Crawford; and Ward Councillors Rob Tyler-Morin and Nancy Henry, were in attendance. First Elder Stephen Kapakasa, during his church building promotion, asked the Town Officials for assistance in creating the first Adventist Church in the Town.
The celebration culminated in several events, including a Speech competition; among the winners included youth Deacon and Pathfinder Joshua Mason. The International Night featured members and visitors dressed in their national colours, with sumptuous meals from various countries around the world, while proceeds from food sales were donated to the Ajax Seventh-day Adventist building fund. The Toronto Ghanaian Adventist Church provided entertainment, along with other guest singers and performers who kept the audience entertained.
Steven Vassell
Ajax Seventh-day Adventist Church
Watch an intro video about Salt Sisters here.
Register your Salt Sister Chapter here.
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ShareHim Trip to Jinotepe, Nicaragua
Come. Join your Pastor. Share the Good News. Join ShareHim in evangelism abroad, where YOU will be the guest speaker for a local church’s nine-day evangelistic series, presenting eleven Christ-centered sermons.
Never preached before? Don't speak the language? No problem. Many ShareHim speakers are first-timers. We’ll give you ready-to-preach sermons and a trusted trip manager will be there to help from beginning to end. If you don’t speak the language, a local volunteer interpreter will help you. All that’s needed is the power of the Holy Spirit and your willingness to share the good news.
Lives will be changed. Including your own. As you share your faith, you'll experience God's power and return home even more passionate about sharing Jesus.
Wherever you are, God calls you to share Him, perhaps even in another country. Will you answer the call?
Dates: May 1-13, 2024
Location: Jinotepe, Nicaragua
Cost: C$699 per Young Adult (ages 18-37) - includes Flight, Hotel, & Meals
Who’s invited: This program is open to Adventist young adults, ages 18-35 (or ages 16-37 with pastor & conference approval), preaching on a ShareHim trip for the 1st or 2nd time. Please note that you MUST come with your pastor.
If interested, please email missiontrip@adventistontario.org to receive an info package.
Sign-up deadline: March 31, 2024. |
What's Happening
Around the Conference
Tap the image above to register for CYSA Netball.
The various regional youth associations in Ontario Conference will be hosting an annual Youth Week of Prayer on March 9-16, 2024 and also a Global Youth Day on March 16, 2024.
Metro East Regional Youth Association will be hosting our Youth Week of Prayer at different church venues in the Metro East region throughout the week. For more information, reach out to us at metroeastrya@gmail.com.
Register by March 24 for Kingsway College Preview Weekend!
Kingsway College, a private Adventist Christian co-ed day and boarding high school, is hosting Preview Weekend, which will take place on April 26-28, 2024. It is open to students currently in grades 8-11. Each student attending must be accompanied by a parent or adult guardian and must register by going online to www.kingsway.college/preview. |
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The Gospel performance coming soon!
APRIL 28, 2024
at the International Centre, Mississauga
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Ontario Conference of the
Seventh-day Adventist Church
The Mission
To Reach Ontario and the world
with the distinctive, Christ-centered,
Seventh-day Adventist message
of hope and wholeness
The Vision
Connecting like Jesus