“Together With God” Camp Meeting 2022
Begins: August 5th, 2022
Ends: August 6th, 2022
Save the Date!
Together with God Camp Meeting
Dates: Friday, August 5, & Sabbath, August 6, 2022
Location: Virtual
Ontario Conference of the Seventh-day Adventist Church is pleased to invite you to our virtual Together with God Camp Meeting. Running Friday evening, August 5, and all-day Sabbath, August 6, it will be a chance to reflect on the awesomeness of God, His goodness toward us and our calling as His followers. As before, there will be separate streams for adults, youth and young adults. Children’s programming will be incorporated into the adult stream.
We are looking forward to Spirit-filled messages from the following speakers:
- Adults, Friday evening and Sabbath morning
- Dr. Sung Kwon, Director, Master of Arts Leadership in Social Innovation & Associate Professor of Leadership, Andrews University;
- Sabbath evening ordination
- Pastor Calvin Watkins, Vice President, Regional Liaison/Evangelism, North American Division of the Seventh-day Adventist Church;
- Teens
- Pastor Vanessa Hairston, Worship Pastor, Miami Temple; and
- Young adults
- Pastor Aaron Dyer, Worship Pastor, New Life Fellowship, Andrews University
Some camp meeting highlights will include:
- Engaging presentations focusing on the theme “Together with God”;
- Musical items from a broad spectrum of individual musicians and groups;
- Exciting mission updates from different parts of the Conference;
- In-person segments for youth and young adults, including in-person small group discussions in regions following a virtual Sabbath School program and Sabbath afternoon outreach;
- Worship and fellowship with your Ontario Conference family and others;
- An ordination service;
- Spanish, French and ASL interpretation;
- Call-in numbers and Zoom rooms for seniors;
- And much more!
All programming will be accessible via Adventistontario.org (Zoom and YouTube links). You may also stream adult plenaries at Youtube.com/Adventistontario, and programming for teens and young adults at Youtube.com/Adventistontario, Youtube.com/Adventistyouthontario and on Zoom.
You can download the camp meeting brochure by clicking here.