2023 Conference Camp Meeting
Begins: June 3rd, 2023
Ends: June 3rd, 2023
Hall 5 (Adults) Schedule:
Prayer Service: 8:00 am – 9:00 am
Morning Service: 9:15 am – 1:00 pm
YouTube Link: Click HERE
ASL Link: Click HERE
President’s Report: 5:00 pm – 5:30 pm
Ordination: 6:00 pm – 8:30 pm
YouTube Link: Click HERE
ASL Link: Click HERE
On Sabbath, June 3, thousands of people will journey to the International Centre in Mississauga, Ontario, to attend Camp Meeting 2023.
Many are looking forward to renewing friendships and enjoying the privilege of worshipping together since the last in-person camp meeting in 2019.
Camp meeting will again feature worship services reflecting the diversity of Ontario members. Some of the old favourites such as the Parade of Nations will again feature in Hall 5. What will be new is its format. Organisers have taken steps to celebrate the diversity of God’s creation while eliminating competition between nations.
Compassion and Blood Donation
Meanwhile, the popular marketplace of compassion ministries will again feature in the Youth and Young Adults section. Among these will be Canadian Blood Service. Located in Room 510, in the connector, nurses will happily receive as many people as possible who would like to help save someone’s life by donating blood.
Friday Evening Worship in Hall 3 with Pastor Ian Sweeney
Camp Meeting 2023 will be bookended by Ontario’s 35th Constituency Meeting. On Friday and Sunday, close to 800 delegates will meet to conduct the business of the church in Ontario. However, on Friday evening at 7:30 p.m., there will be a worship service to which everyone may attend. Pastor Ian Sweeney, scheduled to preach on Sabbath morning, will present the message on Friday evening. Anyone planning on attending should enter through the Hall 3 entrance. Hall 3 is best accessed from the conference centre entrance off Airport Road.
Limited access from Hall 5 to Hall 3
For the first time in nearly 18 years, there will be limited direct access between Hall 5 and Hall 3, where the youth and young adults worship will be. Those intending to worship in Hall 3 may find it far more convenient to use the conference centre entrance on Airport Road to go directly to the Hall 3 entrance. Entering from the connector will mean first going through Hall 4.
Early Morning Prayer Service
An early morning prayer service will be held in Hall 5 from 8:00 a.m. until 9:00 a.m. for those who would like to spend time in prayer and praise prior to the start of Sabbath School at 9:15.
Over the years, attendance to this service has been steadily growing as more people are discovering the joy they experience in prayer and praise. The trend is set to continue in 2023.