Greetings, Everyone!
I have just received an email from Peter Roennfeldt, in which he gave me a pdf of his new book. What is written below is some of the things he wrote:
“You may have already seen this. It is a new FREE PDF e-book called When Your Church Goes Home (attached).
Instead of trying to return to church-as-usual—from the disruptions of the last 18 months—many are now re-imagining church and mission. There is growing interest in missional house-type churches. This small book explores the practical how-to questions of households of faith—with active links to short video case-studies and resources.
It is also available as a FREE download from — can be purchased as a Kindle e-book from Amazon, and will soon be available as a small printed book.
This FREE PDF book can be shared, given away—as widely as you like.”
A message I have shared with a couple of churches during the last 12 months or so is not look to re-open to get back to business as normal. Once we are accustomed to the technical challenges in having remote services, use the time to as an opportunity to consider how our church can best meet the needs of a new age. We have been doing the same old things in the same way for decades—with diminishing results–when the world around has drastically changed. If we simply returned to the usual, then we are outdated and while our message remains the same, our delivery methods have long gone past their sell by dates. We have an opportunity to start anew. Let’s take hold of it. Like COP26 we may never get another opportunity.
Kindest regards,
Halsey Peat