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At the North American Division Office of Volunteer Ministries, we would like to extend a warm greeting and ask for your kind assistance. It’s that time of the year again when our office gathers data from you for our yearly report at the NAD’s year-end meetings. We know it has been a difficult year with COVID, but we know the Lord has opened up doors for his mission to continue and we would like to highlight any and all mission efforts that are happening across the division. In order to present an accurate picture, we are asking the unions, conferences and churches to please share with us any data and pictures they may have regarding short mission trips or mission outreach taken within their ministries or territory. We will like to receive any data you may have and if you know of any other department or pastor that may possess such data, please connect us with anyone who has access to this information in their area. In order to meet our deadline, we would like this information no later than September 6, 2021. I will appreciate your help in this endeavour. Below you will find a list of the information we need for the last year:
  • Name of group (church or organization)
  • Name of the person organizing it, phone number and email address
  • Number of mission trips inside NAD
  • Number of mission trips outside of NAD
  • Total number of participants
  • Purpose of the trip (construction, humanitarian, church planting, health ministries, etc.)
  • Location of the mission trips
  • Any report or detail you would like to share with us regarding the impact on the participants or the place of service
  • Any raw clip or video you would like us to use in promotional material
We will be using the material for promotion. If you consent, please fill out this form and your permission will come directly to us. Your participation will be greatly appreciated. I look forward to hearing from you soon! Thank you and God bless you! Gladys S. Guerrero – Cavalheiro, MA Long Term Volunteer Processing Assistant, Office of Volunteer Ministries North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists