Posted: June 24th, 2021
SPOTLIGHT ON YOUTH MINISTRY AT CAMP MEETING Youth and Young Adult Camp Meeting, June 29-July 3

A much-anticipated highlight of this year's 2021 Connecting Like Jesus Virtual Camp Meeting is a separate camp meeting for Ontario youth, young adults (13-35+) and supporters. All programming for youth and young adults will centre on leading them into a growing, maturing relationship with Jesus Christ so they can make disciples. Specifically, the Youth and Young Adult Camp Meeting will mobilize young people to engage in practical outreach events and choose two individuals they would like to bring to Jesus by the end of 2022.
Exciting features of the Youth and Young Adult Camp Meeting will include:
- Early morning prayer
- Bible discovery (teens)
- Deep dive (young adults)
- Youth ministries leadership training
- Evening worships with lay young adult leaders
- Special features, like an IG live, Friday Night Live!" (teens) and "Acoustic Energy" (young adults),
- And more!
Fantastic presenters for this section include our own Pastors Daniel Innocent and Andre Anderson, and Justin Kim of InVerse Sabbath School. On Sabbath, attendees will be blessed by keynote speakers Pastors Jordane Smith and George Tuyu (pictured).
Please let all the youth and young adults and supporters in your network, know they won't want to miss all the impactful programming in store for them June 29-July 3.