Posted: February 29th, 2024
RESTORED Trademark Launch

By the grace of God, the Ontario Conference Health Ministries is delighted to announce the launch of RESTOREDTM, which is the Ontario Conference trademarked acronym for the Eight Laws of Health. RESTOREDTM stands for Rest, Eat Wholesome Food, Sunshine, Trust in Divine Power, Oxygen, Restraint/Self-Control, Exercise, and Drink Water.
The digital booklet and activity sheets for children and youth/adults with answer sheets are now available to be used for health evangelism and outreach. Go to to download the documents. Banners will be made available for churches to lend for health programs.
We pray that these resources can be useful in promoting biblical whole-person principles, healthy lifestyle choices, and disease prevention, to bring health, healing, and restoration, and ultimately, to bring people to Jesus Christ.