Posted: February 29th, 2024
London Church Committed to Giving Their Best

London Seventh-day Adventist Church's Stewardship Weekend, themed "Committed: Giving my best," unfolded on February 16 and 17, guiding attendees through a journey of empowerment and reflection.
Led by Pastor Anthony Reid, director of Stewardship, Public Affairs and Religious Liberty, and Alvin Ram, director of Planned Giving and Trust Services from the Ontario Conference, the weekend proved enriching. Pastor Reid's Friday evening message acknowledged God as the ultimate owner of our possessions, sparking gratitude and commitment.
Saturday morning, Pastor Reid delivered a compelling sermon urging our dedication to God, prompting recommitments towards God.
In the afternoon, Alvin Ram's reflections on life's fleeting nature emphasized the importance of planning and leaving a legacy. His insights shed light on our stewardship's profound significance.
A fruitful Q&A session followed fostering dialogue and clarity.
As the weekend concluded, gratitude abounded for the blessings received, and our sincere thanks were offered to God for the transformative experience.