Posted: February 29th, 2024
Compassion Ministry Setting the Tone for 2024

Earlier this year, the Compassion Ministries department hosted a meeting for Ontario community service leaders, health ministries leaders and pastors. It was the first of many planned for 2024.
Pastor Andrew King, Director of Compassion Ministries, led the meeting and began with a devotion focused on Jesus’ words, ‘In as much as ye have done it unto one of the least of these.’ He reminded participants that Compassion Ministries focus on the forgotten and that they have the blessing of helping to lessen the hardships in life for individuals and families by making a positive impact through service.
The meeting was filled with sharing and strategies for food distribution and ended with information about the annual ADRA proposal submission.
The role of community outreach in Ontario has changed drastically because of COVID. While many challenges remain, God has given the church more opportunities to minister to our neighbours and friends and share Jesus's love with them.
Many community service teams feed neighbourhood families, clothe newcomers, provide children toys, and sometimes offer a shoulder to cry on.
As your community service leaders address the challenges of ministering to neighbourhoods in Ontario, please keep them in your prayers.