Posted: March 7th, 2024
Clergy and Leaders Unite to Bring Hope to Community

In response to the recent tragedy in the Jane and Driftwood area, clergy, police, and community leaders organized a prayer walk on February 28.
Despite the chilly weather, the spirits of the 75 attendees remained high as they walked the community, stopping to talk and pray with members of the community. Chief of Toronto Police Services (TPS) Myron Demkiw, Solicitor-General of Ontario Michael Kerzner, Councillor Anthony Perruza, MP Tony Rakocevic, Superintendent Andrew Singh of 31 Division along with his officers, TPS chaplains, and local faith leaders were all active participants in the event.
Adventists were represented by Pastor Eustace Williams and his associate, Pastor Ha Rim Ji, from Immanuel Seventh-day Adventist Church, and Pastor Ariel Ganob of the Filipino-Canadian Seventh-day Adventist Church.
Pastor King, director of Compassion Ministries, who attended the walk along with his wife, shared, “Beverly and I felt privileged to be part of this joint community effort where people were pleased and surprised to see pastors and governmental leaders walking with police and positively engaging the community in conversation and prayer.
Before commencing the walk, Chief Demkiw presented a gift of 56 Bibles to the local Boys and Girls Club at Jane and Finch to encourage the youth to study the word of God.
On April 11, 2024, a city-wide prayer walk is scheduled to occur in every division of the Greater Toronto Area. Let us join together in prayer to seek the outpouring of the Holy Spirit upon the city of Toronto.