Posted: December 12th, 2024
“Back to the Altar” Initiative

Season’s Greetings! I trust this message finds you in good health and filled with God’s peace. I want to take a moment to express my deep appreciation for the incredible work you are doing in ministering to God’s people. Your leadership and commitment to the flock are truly inspiring.
As we look ahead to the revival movements within our church, I’d like to draw your attention to a significant initiative that will help strengthen the spiritual life of families in our church and communities. According to the latest survey from the General Conference’s Office of Archives, Statistics, and Research, only 37% of Seventh-day Adventist families worldwide engage in regular morning and evening devotions. This statistic underscores the pressing need for a revival in family worship.
To address this need and support the upcoming revival for Pentecost 2025 and beyond, the Ontario Conference is fully supporting the Back to the Altar initiative.
Back to the Altar is a movement designed to encourage “a daily place for God in every heart and every home.”( In a world that is increasingly busy and distracted, I believe what Ellen White wrote is of vital importance, “Fathers and mothers, however pressing your business, do not fail to gather your family around God’s altar.” ( Ellen G. White, Homeward Bound, p.163).
On behalf of the Ontario Conference’s Back to the Altar Committee, I kindly request that, on the first Sabbath of 2025, each pastor or first elder takes three to five minutes during the midday service to:
- Encourage families to embrace the practice of daily family worship
- Pray for the well-being of families in the church
- Inspire families to engage in evangelism together
Attached is a link to a promotional video featuring our president, Dr. Jakov Bibulovic, and myself. We encourage you to download the video and play it during your promotional/announcement time on Sabbaths, December 14, 21, and 28, 2024.
Looking ahead to Pentecost 2025 and beyond, please note that further resources and details related to this initiative will be sent to you. Also, more resources can be found at
Thank you for your continued commitment to advancing God's kingdom in your communities. May the Lord richly bless you and your families as we step into this exciting new chapter of spiritual renewal.