Posted: September 6th, 2023
Apple Creek’s Summer Market Nurtures Practical Skills

In the book Child Guidance, Ellen White wrote "From the pillar of cloud Jesus gave directions through Moses to the Hebrews that they should educate their children to work, that they should teach them trades, and that none should be idle." Page 355. These inspired words formed the basis of Apple Creek’s "Summer Market."
Children Ministry Leader, Kamella Bellhome challenged young members of the church to come up with a business idea; three enthusiastic youngsters answer the call.
The young entrepreneurs decided that offering baked goods was the way to go. On a warm Sunday afternoon with gospel music filling the air, each vendor set up their table in the fellowship hall with signs and balloons to help showcase their delectable creations. The excitement on the faces of the young people was evident as they introduced their array of treats, which including cookies, brownies, homemade lemonade, and cupcakes.
Business was brisk and deals were to be had as church members supported the entrepreneurs. Products flew off the tables and remarkably, the young people sold an impressive 60-70% of their offerings.
As the day drew to a close the smiles on the children's faces was a testament to the success of this inaugural Summer Market. Sis Bellhome shared her hope that next year's Summer Market would see even more young participants and draw a larger crowd. The event not only fostered a sense of responsibility and work ethic in the youth but also showcased the talent and potential of the youngest members of the Apple Creek Adventist Church.