Dear Ontario Conference Pastors, Head Elders, Clerks, and Communication Leaders:
At 12:01 am on Saturday, April 3rd, 2021, for a minimum of four weeks, the Ontario government, in consultation with the Chief Medical Officer of Health and other health experts, is imposing what is being called a province-wide emergency brake. With the “pulling of the emergency brake,” come several measures to help reduce the rapid spread of COVID-19 variants, preserve hospital capacity and save lives.
- Regarding weddings, funerals, and religious services, rites or ceremonies, the capacity is limited to 15 percent occupancy per room indoors; this does not include social gatherings associated with these services, such as receptions, which are not permitted indoors and are limited to five people outdoors.
- Notwithstanding, at this time, churches that the Conference has already approved for in-person worship may continue with in-person worship, wedding and funeral services, up to 15 percent of the building’s capacity to a maximum of 75 people while maintaining physical distancing, wearing masks and all other Provincial, Municipal and Conference guidelines are to remain in place.
- It is still our strong recommendation that services be no more than an hour and a half.
- No socializing is to take place after the service. Attendees should leave the building and parking lot promptly.
- Apart from urgent baptisms, all other non-essential special services/events remain suspended until further notice.
- Mansfield Edwards (President)
- Jakov Bibulovic (Executive Secretary)
- Virene Meikle (Treasurer)