Worship That Connects
Begins: December 10th, 2021
Ends: December 11th, 2021
This year, we introduced the theme of “Connecting Like Jesus” as a vehicle for becoming a conference of only growing and multiplying churches. Our first-ever virtual camp meeting and ministries convention (June 29 – July 3, 2021) successfully conveyed that, to fulfill the gospel commission, we must first connect with God, then with others, like Jesus did. We’re continuing this theme with our “Worship That Connects” worship summit on Friday, Dec. 10 (evening), and Sabbath, Dec. 11 (all day) on our Adventist Ontario YouTube channel and website.
The summit’s main objective will be to inspire a worship renewal. Attendees will be blessed by different elements of worship, including prayer, scripture reflections, special presentations with guest speakers and breakout sessions.
The program will be comprised of three segments.
- Segment 1 will clear misconceptions around worship.
- Segment 2 will allow members to reflect on their worship honestly.
- Segment 3 will help members transition from being spectators, consumers or observers to actual worshippers.
*Please note that there will be French interpretation for all plenaries and seminars.
Schedule (including YouTube links):
Friday, Dec. 10, 6-7:30 pm
Opening worship service with Dr. Joseph Kidder (Professor of Pastoral Theology & Discipleship, Seventh-day Adventist Theological Seminary)
Friday evening (English) – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9URMuGxW87Y
Friday evening (French) – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BuyjkagoYa4
Sabbath, Dec. 11 (full day)
9:30 am - Sabbath worship with a multigenerational panel
11 am-12:30 pm - Main worship service with Dr. Joseph Kidder
Sabbath morning (English) – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lqlMruD3Z1s
Sabbath morning (French) – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EnuzyxJ5oHY
3-4 pm - Four concurrent seminars*
1. Acceptable vs Unacceptable Worship – Dr. Joseph Kidder
2. Worship Designed for Children – Pr. Shawn Ellis (Apple Creek Church)
3. Worship Lessons from the Sanctuary – Dr. Arthur Stele (General Vice President, General Conference)
4. Considerations in Designing a Worship Service – Dr. Mansfield Edwards (Ontario Conference president)
*See Zoom links for the seminars below.
5-7 pm - Ordination service – charge by Pr. James Black (Prayer Ministry Coordinator, North American Division)
Sabbath afternoon/evening (English) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2nHJJwOqIPM
Sabbath afternoon/evening (French) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f6xpyV2Z-1w
Seminar Information & Links:
Seminar 1:
Acceptable vs Unacceptable Worship
Dr. Joseph Kidder (Professor of Pastoral Theology & Discipleship, SDA Theological Seminary)
Zoom Link: https://zoom.us/j/98991298573?pwd=c1ZxQ1E3emRVRFRPT0VWcXk0M2FpQT09
Meeting ID: 989 9129 8573
Passcode: 614368
Seminar 2:
Worship Designed for Children
Pr. Shawn Ellis (Associate Pastor, Apple Creek Church)
Zoom Link: https://zoom.us/j/99498888031?pwd=TlhuOENqaldrWlpUL3ZSSlpMamxEUT09
Meeting ID: 994 9888 8031
Passcode: 021881
Seminar 3:
Worship Lessons from the Sanctuary
Dr. Artur Stele (General Vice President, General Conference)
Zoom Link: https://zoom.us/j/93360682317?pwd=L2RIWmppSnliMm9kOG9LN250dW9qQT09
Meeting ID: 933 6068 2317
Passcode: 906927
Seminar 4:
Considerations in Designing a Worship Service
Dr. Mansfield Edwards (Ontario Conference President)
Zoom Link: https://zoom.us/j/99747435133?pwd=Rzc4VU1Yb1NIRytEVDU0OTdjNzRhQT09
Meeting ID: 997 4743 5133
Passcode: 141689
Here’s the YouTube link for the promo video: https://youtu.be/4P-b4n2euMQ. Also, see the downloadable file attached. You can also find all promotional materials in this link: https://drive.google.com/drive/u/1/folders/14MgOAGb-AOATaz13DJr8ubEQy_45VJ-xVerbiage for sharing info:
Ontario Conference of the Seventh-day Adventist Church is pleased to invite you to our conference-wide "Worship that Connects" worship summit, Dec. 10-11. This initiative is a continuation of our "Connecting Like Jesus" theme.presentations with main speaker Dr. Joseph Kidder (Professor of Pastoral Theology & Discipleship, Seventh-day Adventist Theological Seminary) and breakout sessions with worship experts.
Its main objective will be to inspire a worship renewal in our conference. Attendees will be blessed by different worship elements, including prayer, scripture reflections, special
Join us at youtube.com/adventistontario on Friday, Dec. 10 (evening) and Sabbath, Dec. 11 (all day).
#worshipthatconnects #connectinglikeJesus #ReachOntario
Looking forward to seeing you there!