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Ministry Ideas That Can Matter


Selections from the Testimonies on Sabbath School Work


Teachers and workers in every department of the Sabbath-school work, I address you in the fear of God, and tell you that unless you have a living connection with God, and are often before Him in earnest prayer, you will not be able to do your work with heavenly wisdom, and win souls for Christ.  The worker for God must be clothed with humility as with a garment.  The Lord will recognize and bless the humble worker who has a teachable spirit, a reverential love for truth and righteousness, wherever such a worker may be.


Testimonies on Sabbath School Work 68.2  Ellen G. White.




Ministry Ideas That Can Matter


Selections from The Desire of Ages


We should never give to the world the false impression that Christians are a gloomy, unhappy people.  If our eyes are fixed on Jesus, we shall see a compassionate Redeemer, and shall catch light from His countenance.  Wherever His spirit reigns, there peace abides.  And there will be joy also, for there is a calm, holy trust in God. 

The Desire of Ages, p. 152.

Ellen G. White


Ministry Ideas That Can Matter    A Series on: Ministry to Families of Inmates


Confusing Emotions Felt By Children Who Are Too Young To Recognize What Is Going On: 
  1. There is no warning; it is usually sudden.
  2. Emotional trauma, especially if the child is present at the time of arrest.
  3. They worry about their parents.
  4. Poverty.
  5. Educational deficiencies.
  6. Separation due to distance from their incarcerated parents.

By Dr. Cleveland Houser, Prison Ministry Consultant

North American Division January 3, 2017

Check out the Part 3 of our Digital Discipleship & Evangelism Webinar hosted by Digital Strategist, Jamie Domm. Join us for Part 4 on YouTube or Facebook LIVE tomorrow- Tuesday, February 23, 2021 7 PM EST.

Watch and learn about Small Group Ministries with Dr. Kurt Johnson of Voice of Prophecy and guest host Anika  Anderson. For more quality content, subscribe to our YouTube Page NAD Adult Ministries Webcasts.




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